Vatican City

Vatican City

The Vatican is a city-state located within the city of Rome on the Italian Peninsula, which has an extension of 0.439 km² and a population of approximately 900 inhabitants, making it the least extensive and least populated sovereign state in the world, followed of Monaco, which quadruples its size. It is so small that only the Basilica of San Pedro is 7% of its surface; The Basilica and St. Peter's Square occupy 20% of the territory, making it the most urbanized country in the world. Its name comes from the Vatican Hill (from the Latin "vaticinĭum": prediction, formerly the hill dwelled an Etruscan oracle). It was created in 1929 by means of the Lateran Pacts celebrated between the Holy See and the then Kingdom of Italy.

The full official Latin denomination of this independent state is: STATVS CIVITATIS VATICANÆ (a Spanishized approximation of ecclesiastical Latin pronunciation is "státus chivitátis vaticáne", according to pronunciation restituta, "státus kiuitátis uaticánae"). In Italian the full name is Stato della Città del Vaticano.

Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City
Vatican City

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