Mombasa in Kenya

Mombasa in Kenya

Mombasa in Kenya

What was your experience with Mombasa? Share with others what's hot and what's not in Mombasa. Also share your opinion about what is worth to see in Mombasa. If you are not satisfied with information about Mombasa found here, please go to Travel Kenya main page.


The city was founded in the 11th century by the Arab traders. It soon became a significant trading centre in East Africa. Unfortunately mainly slaves and ivory were sold there. The very first European who appeared in Mombassa was Vasco da Gama. It was in 1498. The Portuguese built a fortress there and called it Fort Jesus. In the 17th century the Sultanate of Oman gained control over the area and in 1840 Zanzibar took Mombassa over. In the 19th century it became a part of the British commonwealth. The British built a railway linking Mombassa with Nairobi.

In November 2002 there was a terrorist attack ? a trap-car exploded and killed 12 people.

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