Immigrants in Gabon

Immigrants in Gabon

Immigrants in Gabon

Gabon is a country located in central Africa and has a relatively small immigrant population compared to other countries in the region. According to the United Nations, the number of immigrants living in Gabon was estimated to be around 50,000 in 2020, which is less than 2% of the country's total population.

The majority of immigrants in Gabon come from neighboring African countries, such as Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Congo, and Nigeria. Many of these immigrants come to Gabon to seek employment opportunities in various industries such as oil, forestry, and construction.

The government of Gabon has implemented policies and programs aimed at integrating immigrants into the society, providing access to education and healthcare, and protecting their rights. However, some challenges still remain, including discrimination and limited access to legal protection and social services.

Overall, while the immigrant population in Gabon is relatively small, they play an important role in the country's economy and social fabric.

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