Immigrants in Grenada

Immigrants in Grenada

Immigrants in Grenada
Immigrants in Grenada

Grenada is a small island nation located in the Caribbean, and it is home to a diverse population that includes a significant number of immigrants. While Grenada does not have official statistics on the number of immigrants in the country, it is estimated that approximately 7% of the population is made up of foreign-born individuals.

The majority of immigrants in Grenada come from other Caribbean nations, such as Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Guyana. There is also a growing population of immigrants from outside the Caribbean, particularly from North America, Europe, and Asia.

Many of the immigrants in Grenada work in the country's tourism industry, which is a major contributor to the local economy. Others work in construction, agriculture, or other industries. Immigrants also play a significant role in Grenada's cultural life, bringing with them their own customs, traditions, and foods.

Overall, immigrants in Grenada are a valued and important part of the country's society and economy, contributing to its growth and diversity.

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